Kun Seng Keng Lion DancerExclusive Interview 专访 

World Champion Lion-Dancer


Kun Seng Keng Muar Zhong Guo Fu

在1997年,锺国富加入关圣宫龙狮團(KSK),当年只有十二岁的他,是第一次参加龙狮團。在中学毕业之后舞狮也就是他的主要收入来源,但是当时的舞狮的收入也不是很稳定。所以必需在兼份其他工作来维持基本的开销。毕业的2年后,他加入了寿险业才明白时间自由才能够兼顾舞狮。在那时候舞狮才算是他的主业。曾经参加的大大小小赛事已经数不清。在2002年尾拿下了第一次的全国冠军之后也在印尼 巴东 拿到第一次的世界冠军,之后在2006年正式从他师兄的手接棒到退役幕后,总共拿了十九次的世界冠军及二十多次的全国冠军。


1. 你为什么喜欢舞狮?舞狮对你个人说是什么?

国富: 在初学时期对于舞狮我只是好奇心吧了。直到开始跳桩,就喜欢跳桩的刺激感。之后深入了高桩舞狮,才明白舞狮的魅力所在就是内涵。一个没有生命的艺术品(狮头)需要我们带给它灵魂,这是很难的!舞狮谁都能够舞,但是[生命力]却是很多舞者都在探索的[人狮合一]!所谓人狮合一就是舞者是否能与观众达成共鸣,鼓乐的配合来表达所有形态表现。总结来说高桩舞狮就是艺术与刺激的伟大运动发明。


2. 从初学到比赛标准,你一共训练了多少年?

国富: 我十二岁这期间开始担任狮头(短期),在十三岁那年转为狮尾,我的拍档一共换了五个,佃勇是我最后一个拍档也是唯一有超于常人的胆量与毅力。因为之前四个拍档让我累积了很多经验,所以与佃勇配合一年就出场比赛了。当然这里我也要很感恩我團长(陈忠兴)的内心引导与栽培。


3. 开始跳桩时有什么感受?是从平地学起还是直接站上桩?你是怎么克服那心里的障碍?

国富: 开始跳桩所有的初学者都会害怕我也不例外,而且也只有害怕是唯一能够学习到我保护的警惕。跌倒也要学习的,要如何跌倒来减少受伤力。我團以人身安全为主必需在平等练习好基础才上矮桩掌握基本难度之后才能上高桩。克服心里障碍没有别的良药,唯一就是[胆]。


4. 有没有什么好技巧帮助你练弹跳力?

国富: 我14岁的时候每天早上起来就是自我健身一小时半,弹跳力就以青蛙跳最少200下为目标。


5. 你对发扬舞狮艺术有没有什么计划?

国富: 在担任关圣宫的主要队伍的当儿團长也训练我们如何教导下一代以及推广本團以往的狮队。也曾到过孤儿院教导那些小朋友。退役之后也在印尼、香港、中国以及新加坡担任教练工作,当然还不算全职。我未来的计划是成为舞狮界的讲师,更系统化的分类学习高桩舞狮的要点,舞狮的魅力所在,还有舞者该有的心等…。


6. 如果有一天你不舞狮了,你想做些什么?

国富: 我不想再离开舞狮的圈子了,因为我也曾经放弃过,但是做不到。就连我太太也不想我没有了灵魂。


7. 有什么话想交给下一代的年轻人呢?

国富: 献给所有舞狮的爱好者

人生本就是空白  只待自己来谝彩

舞狮未来的澎湃  有望大家来灌溉

实现梦想别发呆  行动才是最实在

醉狮梦舞人人爱  人生这才更精彩(粗俗小作,见怪末怪)

English Translation

In 1997, Zhong Guofu joined Kun Seng Keng Dragon and Lion Dance troupe (KSK), then only twelve years old, it was his first time to participate in dragon and lion dance troupe. After graduating from high school lion dance was his main source of income, but the income of lion dance then was not very stable. He had to rely on other work concurrently in order to maintain his basic overhead. Two years after he graduated, he joined the life insurance industry and came to realize that the freedom of time will enable him to continue his passion in lion dance. Since then, lion dance became his full-time work. He took part in numerous large and small competitions. In late 2002 he won the first national championship, and also won his first world championship in Bandung, Indonesia . In 2006 he succeeded from the hands of his seniors and worked behind the scenes, in total he took nineteen world champion and over twenty  national champion.We are honored to invite Zhong Guofu and join us to share his success journey.


1. Why do you like lion dance? What does lion dance mean to you?

Guofu: I was just curious about lion dance in the beginning. Until when I started jumping the pole, I loved the excitement from pole jumping. After in-depth learning into high pole lion dance, I understand that the real charm about lion dance is the connotation. To give soul into an art without life (Lion’s Head) is a very difficult task! Anyone can perform lion dance, but [life] is something that many lion-dancers are constantly exploring [human-lion unity]! The so-called human-lion unity means whether the lion-dancers are able to reconcile with the audience expressed in resonance, drumming matched with the performance of all forms. In conclusion, a Lion Dance is a great movement of art and stimulate invention.

2. From beginner to competition standard, how many years did you train?

Guofu: I was twelve years old when I took on the Lion’s Head (short-term) and changed to the tail of a lion at the age of thirteen. I had a total of five partners, and Dian Yong was my last partner and he is the only with courage and perseverance that is above the normal average. Because I have accumulated a lot of experience with the previous four partners, so partnering with Dian Yong only took a year to train before going for competition. Of course, here I should also very grateful to my troupe leader, Chen Zhongxing, for his inner guidance and cultivation.

3. What was your feeling when you first started to jump on the poles? Did you start from the ground or straight to the poles? How do you overcome the obstacles in your heart?

Guofu: All the beginners will be afraid when they start jumping on pole and I was no exception, but only fear is capable of learning self-defense and vigilance. Even falling is a skill to learn, how to reduce injuries during a fall. Our troupe takes personal safety into great importance, it is essential to get a good foundation on the ground before taking on the short pole to master the basic difficulty. Finally going to the high pole. Overcome heart obstacles has no other secrets, the only thing is [guts].

4. Is there any good tips to help you practice jumping ability?

Guofu: When I was 14 years old, every morning I will do one hour and a half of frog jump at least 200 times to train my jumping ability.

5. Do you have any plans to carry forward the art of lion dance?

Guofu: As the main team playing for Kun Seng Keng, our troupe leader also taught us how we should teach the next generation and to promote the future teams. We also visited the orphanage to teach those kids. Also took part as a coach in countries like Indonesia, Hong Kong, China and Singapore after retiring from competition, of course, not as a full-time work. My future plan is to become a lecturer of the lion dance community and provide more systematic classification learning of the main points of a Lion Dance, the lion dance charm, and what mindset lion-dancers should have …

6. If one day you are not a lion dancer, what would you want to do?

Guofu: I do not want to leave the lion dance community, because I have tried giving up, but I could not do it. Even my wife do not want to see that I do not have a soul.

7. What would you say to the next generation of young people?

Guofu: I dedicate this to all lion dance lovers:
Life is just a blank waiting for their own to color
The Lion Dance future depends on everyone’s contribution
Do not daze to realize their dreams as taking action is the reality
Drunk lion and dream dance everyone love, life like this is more exciting (It’s just my own composition. Please forgive me for any mistakes.)

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