lam tu luanExclusive Interview 专访 

Exclusive Interview with Sifu Luan

lam tu luan interview

Sifu Luan is a full-time kung fu instructor at Lam Tu Luan Kung Fu School, Australia. Lam Tu Luan Kung Fu School was founded in 1988 in Brisbane & is regarded as one of the best & longest running Lion & Dragon Dancing Kung Fu schools. Sifu Luan shows great perseverance in what he do, and he keeps his goal in mind. He is passionate about kung fu and it is something he would continue pursuing.


Q 1. How long have you been in practicing kungfu, and lion dance?
Sifu Luan : I have been a practicing the art of Jow Ga Kung Fu for over 30 years. Incorporating lion dancing into my training as a good way to build solid foundation and core strength over the many years.

Q 2. Your team won a title in Genting world championship right?
Sifu Luan : Yes, with a solid lion team and a well trained and highly skilled music team, we were able to take out the Genting world championships many years back. It was through their dedication and efforts that we were able to bring back the trophy.

Q 3. What drives you to promote kungfu and lion dance?
Sifu Luan : Kung Fu and lion dance is not just a hobby for me. When you dedicate yourself to something long enough and you love doing what you do, it becomes a life-style. I am constantly striving to promote this life style as it has many benefits to the human mind, body and soul. It is also a good way to promote the culture, something I do not wish do die out in this day and age.

Q 4. You have very well-behaved disciples. What are your principles in training?
Sifu Luan : In training there must be mutual respect between all students. No student is better than another. We are all unique and capable in our own ways. Kung Fu and lion dancing are not discriminant to anyone, as long as there is a desire to train with a good heart, then I am willing to teach that student to reach their full potential.

Q 5. How did you start your kungfu school?
Sifu Luan : I started my school by teaching various students from across the state. I did not have my own training hall or any money to build one for myself to begin with. All I had was dedicated students who were willing to train no matter what the conditions were. It was with that, that I was able to build what I have today and with those students still loyal to the school I was able to build a school we could call our own and train as we please.

Q 6. What are the challenges you faced and how did you overcome it?
Sifu Luan : The greatest challenge of building a school is finding the students that are dedicated and strong willed enough to stick by the school. The only way to overcome this obstacle is to be open-minded. You cannot judge a book by its cover. It is because of this belief that I have been blessed with many students from different walks of life who have been good to the school and taken me to where I am today. Their loyalty and the mutual trust I have with them has helped me turn them into leaders that I can entrust with carrying on the traditions of the school.

Q 7. What is you philosophy on life?
Sifu Luan : To live a full life is to live a balanced life. I believe that you cannot live your life dedicating yourself to only one aspect of your life. It is important to develop oneself and become all that you can, but it is also important to realise that this cannot be done without the help of your friends and family. As much as I encourage everyone to train hard and give their 100%, It is also important to take time off training to spend time with your loved ones. Kung fu is a part of your life, not your life. Without family and friends I would not be where I am today.

I do not teach martial arts for my students to go out and fight, I teach it as a way to develop themselves and challenge themselves to push their limits. Only after developing a healthy mind and the ability to walk away without fighting will I teach my students how to defend themselves when necessary.

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